A Call to Action #baywatch2020
We’re all searching for meaning out of the college football season as it limps to the finish line. In this Week’s TWIB we looked ahead to 2021 which is fine but ultimately unsatisfying. It wasn’t a blast to be a Badger fan until…
We were given a reason to live.

What is the Patrick Mannelly award? Its given yearly to the top Senior Long Snapper in College Football.
As Mannelly states in his mission:
They need to be recognized. They put in just as much work as everyone else. Punters and kickers can’t be great without a good long snap
I agree!
Scholars point to the Outland Trophy’s creation in 1946 as the beginning of “awards creep” which has since expanded recognition to every other football position. It makes sense that long snapper would join their ranks at some point. All snark aside, its pretty cool what Mannelly is doing. The fact that I haven’t noticed a Badger long snapper in a decade because every snap is perfect is pretty incredible. I’m all for the award.
The Badger game against Iowa may break records for number of punts and FGs, so what better time to go all in on an award then ADAM BAY FOR THE MANNELLY AWARD.
I’d like to give credit to my friend Paul who pointed out to me that the Badger social team’s nickname of “Keep at Bay” is severely lacking and probably won’t get the job done and that the #BayWatch2020 tag was just sitting there waiting to be used.
So let’s get it going. Bay Watch 2020.

We may have to watch the Badgers struggle to reach the end zone for the 3rd straight game but like hell we won’t get enjoyment out of the long snaps. Let’s put some pressure on the media to cover this and the selection committee to do what’s right.
If you see Dave Wannstedt at the grocery store this week and aren’t sure what to say, why not mention that Adam Bay shouldn’t be blamed for Anthony Lotti’s shaky play in 2019?
If you are on a Zoom call with Randy Chevrier, why not mention Adam Bay’s 100% snap percentage in 2020?
There are every day opportunities to do what’s right here.
Get Adam Bay the Mannelly award.